Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Bling Chandiya & The Yuppy!

This entry has something to do with the yuppies of Colombo and the rather new phenomenon known as Bling ChandiyaISM which has taken Colombo by storm! More importantly, it has something to do with how individuals use their bodies as cultural signifiers of certain frustrations and ambivalences existent in postcolonial Sri Lanka society.

Hence the importance of New Years Eve, 2006/07!

Last year, a couple of good friends and I found ourselves with absolutely nothing to do on new years eve. So we decided to go out for dinner to this place called "the commons" and then call it a night after a night-cap at the coffee shop popularly known as Baristas. This night, apart from the brouhahas of a New Years Eve, where everyone is supposed to be out 'celebrating', became a retrospective evening filled with allusions to the subtle, yet O so obvious ironies of life.

After dinner at "the commons", which on the one hand is a wonderful restaurant, and on the other hand an entire irony to its name—with its flush carpets, rather pricy menu and big lounge couches which almost swallow you up in the name of 'comfort', "the commons" is actually more "the bourgeoisie" than anything else.

Nonetheless, after the ironic yet filling dinner we made our way to Baristas, yet another space colonized by adolescent bourgeois kids.

As a friend and I made our way down to order our five-dollar "coffees" the clock struck mid-night. Woohoo! It was the new year! Me—being the walking Gujrati stereotype, suggested to the coffee chef that our drinks should be on the house in light of the hour and because we were the “first” customers for the year. Little did I notice, amidst the cacophonic celebration, to our far right stood a sixteen to seventeen year old boy (who apart from his trophy girl-friend was also brandishing a BMW car-key) who exalted (almost offensively): "no way man! I was here at midnight exactly! I figured I should spend new years eve here since I have been here pretty much every night of the year". Now amazingly, at this moment, I began to think more about what he said, than the lovely coffee that awaited me. Hence stepping outside for a quick breather!

Now, the significance of this experience I suppose, is that as the B-mers and Coffees flowed in and out, and as I stepped “outside” Barista, I noticed another space, a stretch of beach, just a block or so away. This beach is popularly known as the Galle-Face-Green (although there is very little green to be found). Here were the “masses” or "The Commons". People who too were celebrating "New years eve". they did not have BMWs or 5 Dollar coffees at their disposal. But here too was another party!! Quite a wild one at that. Kids running everywhere! Daddy’s and mummy running behind them!

Interestingly, at this party, there was BLInG too! Yes, the very shiny things people wear around their necks! I noticed one guy wearing a stereotypical FUBU Baggy T-shirt and some metal chains around his neck. To top it all off, he had an ALARM CLOCK hanging around his neck too, just so he would know the “time”—I think—I hope. He did not look rich to me, he did not look like he had Daddy’s BMW to drive around in an pick up babes. He looked like (to put it crudely) a westernized chandiya or as i choose to call him--my very own Bling Chandiya!

Now its been more than fifty years since our colonial masters left us. And as Sri Lankans attempt to reflect on their postcolonial experience as a nation, I cannot help but see something so obviously similar, but at the same time conflictually-different between the 'rich BMW boy’ and the 'not-so-rich-alarm-clock-hanging' Bling Chandiya!

This is the similarity: As a nation goes to war with itself, the nations individuals over time, begin to start questioning, not just the very essence of their being but also of what they are becoming.

This is the conflictual-difference: It seems to me that the Bling Chandiya quite obviously emulating an American or western sub-culture, such as the likes of ALi-G or Eminem or Snoop Dogg suggests to us a growing frustration in terms of an identity crisis located within the complex weltanschauung of globalization. The Bling Chandiya is lost, almost-batty, confused—but also—confusing. On the one hand he says I am mimicking the black African American because its “cool”. But passively, he is also crying and screaming out loud in silent shrills--look what has become of us! These class polarities, the lack of economic opportunity has made me oppressed—pissed off—a nobody forced to mimic another nobody!

Alternatively, the rich-boy, almost ambivalent to the "other" party just a block away, is the Bling Chandiya's anti-thesis. He spends $5 at the least on just coffee everyday. An amount the Bling Chandiya would have to labor all day to earn! Such is the pity of dehumanization in Sri Lankan society today. Such is the case for many people who live in Colombo—all the while—thinking: "everything is alright! Oh yes, there is a war, but as long as we stay behind our air-conditioned cars and high-walled homes, everything should be alright...."

And then what of the pompous old me who patronizes Baristas and celebrates the "plight" of the Bling Chandiya?!! Well, sometimes, its difficult to break away entirely from such structures. I am as complicit and guilty as anybody else. For what would my friends think if I went around with an alarm clock around my neck? (comments are most welcome hehe!) Could i become a Bling Chanidya too? Maybe, Maybe not!

To wrap up a rather long and lamenting post, the alarm clock was not just BliNG! It was a metaphor reminiscent of the chains that the poor in Sri Lanka's rapidly globalizing economy wear almost willingly. Amidst the broken smiles of a nation at war with itself there exists a frustration of expanding polarities between the rich boys and the not so rich boys. Between those who can afford to say, "daddy I need money to party" and those who don’t or cant “afford” to.

A Happy & Belated New Year Everybody!

1 comment:

Mohammed Fakhruddeen Ifticardeen said...

Alright. Thanks Mus for that nice posting. It's been a long while.I am going to comment. As usual.

Firstly, I totally agree with the gist of the article. There are SO MANY guys who are "copying" others' lifestyles, just cos' they think it's "the thing" or it's "cool". There can be many reasons for this, but its all unwanted. Its kinda funny. We would like people to think of us as a unique bunch (how we hate people thinking of us as Indians), but at the same time we arent as unique as we think we are.

Take Lasith Malinga. He's the only guy in International cricket who has that hairstyle. People might say that it makes him unique. Now, compare him to soccer players around the world. IS he really unique? (Mali, you're still an amazin bowler).

Whilst was reading, I was being critical of Mus, because he was criticizing the rest of the Lankan population. But when he admitted that he too tends to be one of these "copy cats" I was glad. Else I would have given him a thrashing.

But i must be critical of something else. Mus, your articles are lovely, but please be a little less "complicating". I would of course take my time to read your stuff but there will be some who wouldn't bother.

Quote from the artice:
"Now its been more than fifty years since our colonial masters left us. And as Sri Lankans attempt to reflect on their postcolonial experience as a nation, I cannot help but see something so obviously similar, but at the same time conflictually-different between the 'rich BMW boy’ and the 'not-so-rich-alarm-clock-hanging' Bling Chandiya!"
Mus, I don't know what's the connection between the first two lines and the rest of the para.

I have an example illustrating the argument made between the "rich" and the "poor".I've seen these "poor" guys having cell phones. WHY? Its just adding to unwanted costs, just cos he wants to be like others/wants to keep some rich guy happy by answering his calls. Nonsense. I have an uncle who doesnt have a cell phone, and he is doing fine with just a land-line.

In a way, Mus's theory about why some people where BLING etc holds true. In certain cases only. I think that many people do it just to be noticed and to attract attention. Sad excuse.

I guess there can be many reasons for the BLINGS and the cell phones. its ok to have these "comforts" if u can afford them. What good is money for anyway. But at the same time, remember where you stood before u came rich. And remember those poor souls too. Instead of applying more BLING on ur head, give some to those poor fellows.

Comments are welcome....